The conference for Open Source Geospatial Software (FOSS4G) was held in Barcelona, Spain between 6th and 9th of September 2010.

FOSS4G gathered all kind of actors: Free Software developers, representatives from companies, institutions and the academic world.

136 oral presentations and 140 posters have been selected for the public. TERRASIGNA (former ASRC) attended both the presentation session and the poster session.

The presentation “Interactive Meteosat: Educational Platform for Meteorological Applications Entirely Developed with FLOSS Software”, focused on Interactive Meteosat (IM). IM is developed by TERRASIGNA as part of the ESA Eduspace program. It provides secondary school students and teachers a learning and teaching tool for meteorological applications of Remote Sensing data (in particular, METEOSAT images).

The poster “LEOWorks - The teacher assistant for bringing Earth Observation in the classroom” presented LEOWorks software and the progress made upgrading the currently used version, LEOWorks 3, to a 4th version, more flexible and easier to use in institutions like schools and universities. It can be used for reading, pre-processing, analyzing, and visualizing SAR and optical data.

The new application, developed by TERRASIGNA, is open source and released under a GPL license (independent platform and no licence fees).

For more information, please contact us.

Interactive Meteosat: Educational Platform for Meteorological Applications Entirely Developed with FLOSS Software (abstract)

LEOWorks - The teacher assistant for bringing Earth Observation in the classroom (pdf)