Within the 2014 Conference on Big Data from Space, TERRASIGNA (former ASRC), together with the European Space Agency (ESA),  had co-chaired an ‘Industry and SMEs Round Table’ on Best Practices regarding the Big Data driven by Industry and SMEs.

The session aimed to present the involvement of Industry and SMEs in using Big Data and their contribution to the progress of exploitation tools, services and applications. The focus was on identifying the main aspects of the connection between Industry, SMEs and the issue of Big Data usage/assimilation/mining, in order to have a general overview of the subject and discuss best practices for various implementation activities.

The round table consisted in open discussions conducted by TERRASIGNA and ESA in such way that the outcome provided a coherent and realistic overview on the needs and challenges that the Industry and SMEs are currently facing and that were to be considered in future Big Data related policies, strategies and activities.

The session took place on the 12th of November 2014, between 18:00 – 19:30 CET, ESRIN premises.